“Choosing the Right Wisdom”

“Choosing the Right Wisdom”

-Sunday June 11, 2023 –

James 3:13-18

I.  There is a choice of wisdom from below
(James 3:14-16)
1. Earthly wisdom demonstrates itself by a manner of living
(Verse 14)
2. Earthly wisdom originates from an ungodly source
(Verse 15)
3. Earthly wisdom produces tragic results
(Verse 16)

II. There is a choice of wisdom from above
(James 3:17-18)
1. Wisdom from above originates with God
(Verse 17)
2. Wisdom from above demonstrates Godly characteristics
(Verse 17)
• Pure
• Peaceable
• Gentle
• Open to reason
• Full of mercy and good fruits
• Without uncertainty
• Without insincerity
3. Wisdom from above produces healthy relationships
(Verse 18)