

Join us in-person or on our live stream this Sunday at 11:00 am!

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Wake Up and Get Dressed

 Romans 13:11-14 Several Urgent Instructions to be a Faithful Follower of Christ. Be AWARE. Romans 13:11(a) Be AWAKE Romans 13:11-12(a) Be ACTIVE (v.12b-13) Romans 13:12(b)-13 Be AGGRESSIVE Romans 13:14(b) Be ADORNED Romans 13:14(a)

How Should We Then Live?

How Should We Then Live? Hebrews 12:14-17 With the New year approaching, I suggest we live in the following manner: There is a Pursuit to make (moving) There is a Pause to take (helping) There is a Pruning to make (Forgiving) There is a Problem at stake (Repenting)

The Importance of the Incarnation

– – Sunday December 22, 2024 – – Hebrews 2:14-16 The Incarnation accomplished 5 key outcomes for a believer in Christ The Incarnation was necessary for Christ to: Deal with Humanity Destroy Death Defeat the Devil Deliver us from Fear Distribute Aid  

Living Life in the Word

The power of the Word and how to integrate it into our lives for successful and obedient living. KNOW the Word in your Head. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 STOW the Word in your Heart. Psalm 119:11 SHOW the Word in your Life. James1:22-25 SOW the Word in the World. 2 Tim. 4:1  

“The Lord’s Supper Service”

Scripture Reading Luke 22:14-20 Lord’s Supper Invitation Reading: Come to This Table Special Music Deacons serve the Bread and Cup Prayer Serving the Bread and Cup Scripture reading for the Bread: 1 Corinthians 11:24 Scripture reading for the Cup: 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 Closing Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:26-30 Closing Hymn Bless Be the Tie

“The Question for Our Time”

Matthew 16:13-17 I.  A Question of Public Consensus Verse 13 – Who do men say that I am? Acts 16:30-31 Acts 4:12 II. A Question of Personal Conviction Verse 15 – Who do you say that I am? John 14:6

“God Guides Me”

God Keep Me on Track    I. The Stop-Doing List 1. Stop following a culture that doesn’t follow God Romans 12:2 1 John 2:15 2. Stop following friends who aren’t following God Proverbs 13:20 1 John 3:7-8 3. Stop looking to other sources besides God 4. Stop being led only by your circumstances 5. Stop being led only by your feelings II. The Start-Doing List 1. Start wanting to be led by God Psalm 40:8 2. Start being willing to…

“The Goodness of God”

Psalm 118:1 • God’s goodness is constant. James 1:17 • The expression of God’s goodness varies. Psalm 84:11 Psalm 34:8-9 Romans 8:28 • Goodness is what God says it is. • Has there ever been a time when you doubted God’s goodness? • The best response to God’s goodness is gratitude. Three aspects of God’s goodness: 1. His Mercy Luke 18:13 Titus 3:5 Hebrews 4:15-16 2 Peter 3:9 2. His Grace Ephesians 2:8-9 3. His Love John 3:16

“What Is Your Life”

Psalm 90:12 James 4:14 I. Foolish Presumptions James 4:13,16 Jeremiah 9:23-24 • In arrogance this man presumes four things: 1. The when, the duration of his life James 4:13 James 4:15 Proverbs 27:1 2. The where, the location of his life 3. The what, the vocation of his life 4. The why, the motivation of his life II. Forgotten perspectives James 4:14 1. Life has its uncertainties 2. Life has its certainties Hebrews 9:27 and Psalm 39:4-6 III. Forsaken Priorities…

“How Do I Face the Future?”

Ecclesiastes 8:7 I. What not to do 1. Don’t presume about tomorrow Proverbs 27:11 2. Don’t panic about tomorrow Matthew 6:34 3. Don’t procrastinate about tomorrow Ecclesiastes 11:4 II. How to face an uncertain future God’s advice to Joshua Joshua 1:1-11 1. Set up a plan Joshua 1:2-3 Joshua 1:11 Proverbs 20:18 Proverbs 16:9 2. Stay in the Word Joshua 1:7-8 Proverbs 16:1 3. Step out in faith Joshua 1:6,7,9 Joshua 3:15