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Final Destinations
– – Sunday, February 16, 2025 – – Luke 16:19-31 I. The Initial Descriptions of their Lives. (vv.19-21) Rich Man Lazarus II. The Final Destinations of their Lives. (vv.22-23) Lazarus Rich Man III. The Eternal Dispositions of their Lives. (vv.24-26) Their Experience The Evolutions IV. The Special Directions for their Lives (vv.27-31) The Inquiry from the Condemned The Security of the Comforted The Sufficiency of Scripture The Idiocy of Unbelief
His Two Sons
Luke 15:11-31 A Story about a Father and his Two Sons. Repentance and the Restoration of Relationship, The Folly of Sin, and the Problem of Unforgiveness. I. The Request of the Younger. (vv.11-13a) II. The Rebellion of the Sinner. (vv.13b-16) III. The Repentance of the Sinner. (vv.17-19) IV. The Return to the Father. (vv.20-24) V. The Response of the Elder. (vv.25-30) VI. The Recommendation of a Forgiver. (v.31)
The Privilege of a Shepherd
– – Sunday February 2, 2025 – – Psalm 23 The Pronouncement. (v.1a). The Provision. (vv.1b-5). The Promise. (v.6)
Are We There Yet?
Philippians 3:12-14 Are We There Yet? An Answer from the Apostle I. Paul’s Perspective. (v.12a) “12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected;” II. Paul’s Program. (v.12b-13) “but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are…
Wake Up and Get Dressed
Romans 13:11-14 Several Urgent Instructions to be a Faithful Follower of Christ. Be AWARE. Romans 13:11(a) Be AWAKE Romans 13:11-12(a) Be ACTIVE (v.12b-13) Romans 13:12(b)-13 Be AGGRESSIVE Romans 13:14(b) Be ADORNED Romans 13:14(a)
What the Bible Teaches About Ai
Joshua 7:1-26
How Should We Then Live?
How Should We Then Live? Hebrews 12:14-17 With the New year approaching, I suggest we live in the following manner: There is a Pursuit to make (moving) There is a Pause to take (helping) There is a Pruning to make (Forgiving) There is a Problem at stake (Repenting)
The Importance of the Incarnation
– – Sunday December 22, 2024 – – Hebrews 2:14-16 The Incarnation accomplished 5 key outcomes for a believer in Christ The Incarnation was necessary for Christ to: Deal with Humanity Destroy Death Defeat the Devil Deliver us from Fear Distribute Aid
The Longest Story
Hebrews 1:1-4
Living Life in the Word
The power of the Word and how to integrate it into our lives for successful and obedient living. KNOW the Word in your Head. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 STOW the Word in your Heart. Psalm 119:11 SHOW the Word in your Life. James1:22-25 SOW the Word in the World. 2 Tim. 4:1
“The Lord’s Supper Service”
Scripture Reading Luke 22:14-20 Lord’s Supper Invitation Reading: Come to This Table Special Music Deacons serve the Bread and Cup Prayer Serving the Bread and Cup Scripture reading for the Bread: 1 Corinthians 11:24 Scripture reading for the Cup: 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 Closing Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:26-30 Closing Hymn Bless Be the Tie
“The Question for Our Time”
Matthew 16:13-17 I. A Question of Public Consensus Verse 13 – Who do men say that I am? Acts 16:30-31 Acts 4:12 II. A Question of Personal Conviction Verse 15 – Who do you say that I am? John 14:6