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Final Destinations

– – Sunday, February 16, 2025 – – Luke 16:19-31 I. The Initial Descriptions of their Lives. (vv.19-21)  Rich Man Lazarus II. The Final Destinations of their Lives. (vv.22-23) Lazarus Rich Man III. The Eternal Dispositions of their Lives. (vv.24-26) Their Experience The Evolutions IV. The Special Directions for their Lives (vv.27-31) The Inquiry from the Condemned The Security of the Comforted The Sufficiency of Scripture The Idiocy of Unbelief

His Two Sons

Luke 15:11-31  A Story about a Father and his Two Sons. Repentance and the Restoration of Relationship, The Folly of Sin, and the Problem of Unforgiveness. I. The Request of the Younger. (vv.11-13a) II. The Rebellion of the Sinner. (vv.13b-16) III. The Repentance of the Sinner. (vv.17-19) IV. The Return to the Father. (vv.20-24) V. The Response of the Elder. (vv.25-30) VI. The Recommendation of a Forgiver. (v.31)

Are We There Yet?

Philippians 3:12-14 Are We There Yet?  An Answer from the Apostle I. Paul’s Perspective. (v.12a) “12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected;” II. Paul’s Program. (v.12b-13) “but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are…

Wake Up and Get Dressed

 Romans 13:11-14 Several Urgent Instructions to be a Faithful Follower of Christ. Be AWARE. Romans 13:11(a) Be AWAKE Romans 13:11-12(a) Be ACTIVE (v.12b-13) Romans 13:12(b)-13 Be AGGRESSIVE Romans 13:14(b) Be ADORNED Romans 13:14(a)

How Should We Then Live?

How Should We Then Live? Hebrews 12:14-17 With the New year approaching, I suggest we live in the following manner: There is a Pursuit to make (moving) There is a Pause to take (helping) There is a Pruning to make (Forgiving) There is a Problem at stake (Repenting)

The Importance of the Incarnation

– – Sunday December 22, 2024 – – Hebrews 2:14-16 The Incarnation accomplished 5 key outcomes for a believer in Christ The Incarnation was necessary for Christ to: Deal with Humanity Destroy Death Defeat the Devil Deliver us from Fear Distribute Aid  

Living Life in the Word

The power of the Word and how to integrate it into our lives for successful and obedient living. KNOW the Word in your Head. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 STOW the Word in your Heart. Psalm 119:11 SHOW the Word in your Life. James1:22-25 SOW the Word in the World. 2 Tim. 4:1  

“The Lord’s Supper Service”

Scripture Reading Luke 22:14-20 Lord’s Supper Invitation Reading: Come to This Table Special Music Deacons serve the Bread and Cup Prayer Serving the Bread and Cup Scripture reading for the Bread: 1 Corinthians 11:24 Scripture reading for the Cup: 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 Closing Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:26-30 Closing Hymn Bless Be the Tie

“The Question for Our Time”

Matthew 16:13-17 I.  A Question of Public Consensus Verse 13 – Who do men say that I am? Acts 16:30-31 Acts 4:12 II. A Question of Personal Conviction Verse 15 – Who do you say that I am? John 14:6